Amazon Prime Member
How Amazon Prime Member get extra 5% discounts at Whole Foods Market?
For celebrating Mother’s Day, 20-stem tulips for just $10 from Amazon Whole Foods market >>> Continue reading
Print Magazine subscription promo $0.99 for 4-month Amazon Prime Member only
March promo for 4-month print magazine subscriptions at $0.99 Amazon
Amazon offers a March promo for Prime members. Amazon Prime Member are eligible to receive a March promo for 4-month subscription at $0.99 on a numbers of participating print magazines, including the most popular Vanity Fair, Golf Digest, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Reader’s Digest, Better Homes and Gardens, Wired,Taste of Home, Cosmopolitan, Country Living, Marie Claire, Seventeen, Runner’s World, Veranda, and more. Offer is limited time and limited to new subscribers only. Amazon Prime Member feels free to choose available subscriptions for $0.99 through March 15, 2018. Click to Amazon March promo for 4-month print magazine subscriptions at $0.99 right now >>>

Amazon Prime Member get extra $6 savings on spending of 5 Pepsi products
Now for February 4, 2018, road to Super Bowl LII, customers with Amazon Prime Member get extra $6 savings when spend 5 Pepsi products at Amazon Pantry. For a limited time, add 5 of Pepsi chips, snacks, or favorite beverage into cart and save $6 on Amazon Prime Pantry order. Discount will be applied at Amazon checkout, and available to Prime members only. Click to Amazon Prime Pantry to get extra $6 off Pepsi products for 2018 Super Bowl LII right now >>> Continue reading
Listen to win the all-new Amazon Echo in holiday 2017 Amazon Sweepstakes
Ongoing Amazon Sweepstakes >>>
As a holiday 2017 celebration, now customers have a chance to win in Amazon Sweepstakes for the all-new Amazon Echo. No purchase or Amazon Prime Member necessary. Customers just start listening, play any song on Prime Music or Music Unlimited through any Amazon device. Total of 30 listeners will win. To win this Amazon Sweepstakes, customers have more chances listening daily, one day one chance, limited one entry per day. This Amazon Sweepstakes begins on Nov 14, 2017 and will end at 11:59:59 p.m. on Dec 5, 2017. One customer enters per day and therefore twenty-one total chances to win during the sweepstakes period. Click to enter the holiday 2017 Amazon Sweepstakes to win a all-new Amazon Echo right now >>>

$3 off $10 April begin promo on Coca-Cola products Amazon Prime Pantry
Amazon Prime Pantry’s April begin savings on select Coca-Cola products. Buy $10 of select Coca-Cola soft drinks or sports drinks, will get an extra $3 off your Prime Pantry order. There are a variety of Coca-Cola canned and bottled drinks qualified for this Amazon Prime Pantry April begin promo. Prime Pantry is an Amazon service where to provide tens of thousands of everyday groceries and household items available to Amazon Prime Member. This is a limited time offer, expires at 11:59 p.m. (PT) April 4, 2017. Click to save on Amazon $3 off $10 Coca-Cola products right now >>>

April begin promo on Amazon Kindle E-reader family for Amazon Prime Member
Amazon now offers a March end/April begin promo on Kindle E-reader family. Amazon Prime Member will take an extra discount up to $50 off when purchase an Amazon Kindle, Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle Voyage, Kindle Oasis, or Kindle for Kids Bundle (There is also a $30 off Prime savings on Kindle Paperwhite essentials bundles). This is a limited time promo and Prime members only, offer expires April 2, 2017. Kindle E-readers can help you keeping your reading entertainment from the thousands hold books, click to save on Amazon April begin Kindle E-reader family promo right now >>>
A $8.99 free gift on spending of $60 Amazon Pantry
The free gift on this Amazon Prime Pantry promo is a 24 oz stainless steel Pantry water bottle. The Prime Pantry launched as a store on where is provided with thousands of everyday groceries and household products available to Amazon Prime Member subscribers, always maintaining its significant price advantage. Amazon Pantry offers free shipping with 5 qualifying items in a single box package, it also provides extra saving coupons and great deals in everyday. Click to get the $8.99 free gift on spending of $60 Amazon Pantry right now >>>

Amazon Prime Member extra 15%-10% off promos on athletic shoes
Normally Amazon offers two athletic shoes’ promos for their prime members, one for extra 15% off and one for extra 10% off. There more than one thousand styles of popular brand athletic shoes applying to an extra 15% off, and hundreds to extra 10% off. The promos as welfare only applicable to Amazon Prime Member and for a limited time, expire at ?, 2016 (Are normal continuous promos now ?). Click to extra 15% off promo page here >>>> and extra 10% off promo page here >>> Amazon continues the extra 15%-10% off promos on athletic shoes for Prime Member >>>

Extra 20% off baclothing & bagear exclusively for Amazon Prime Member
Amazon now offers a six days’ discount exclusively for Amazon Prime Member.Extra 20% off applies only to the purchase of eligible baclothing made with an Amazon Prime account, and plus additional deals on essential bagear, also women’s maternity clothing. The extra 20% off will be applied at checkout and limited time Feb 22, 2016. Click to Amazon’s exclusive promo page for baclothing & bagear and save Amazon Prime Member right now >>>

Extra 20% off the latest video games for Amazon Prime Member
Amazon offers a new promo for pre-order and newly released video games. For Amazon Prime Member to take the exclusive 20% off new physical video games during pre-order or within two weeks of the video games released. Extra 20% 0ff will be automatically extended to all Amazon Prime Member and will be applied automatically at the order checkout. Click to the promo page of Amazon pre-order and newly released video games to save right now >>>

Extra $26 off for Amazon Prime Member in celebration of Mozart in the Jungle
Amazon offers a two days promo for Prime Member, through January 17th 2016 at 11:59 p.m., PT, cuts the first year Prime Member annual fee from $99 to $73. By joining Amazon Prime Member now for an extra $26 off, you can get the prime-member-only benefits immediately, free watch Mozart in the Jungle and more instant streaming of thousands of movies & TVs. The extra off discount will be applied at your checkout, click to Amazon’s promo page to save right now >>>

Extra 15% off promo on athletic shoes for Amazon Prime Member
Amazon continues their athletic shoes’ promo for Prime Member. From January 15, 2016, through January 16, Amazon Prime Member can enjoy the privilege to take an extra 15% off on purchases of athletic shoes. Popular brands like New Balance, Asics, Saucony, Superfeet, Mizuno, Puma, Adidas, and more are qualifying on the promo page. The offer is for one week limited time, click to Amazon’s promo page for athletic shoes to save right now >>> Not a Prime Member yet ?join today for an extra $26 off >>> Amazon Prime Member normally extra 15%-10% off promos on athletic shoes >>>

Free 6 month digital access to The Washington Post with Amazon Prime Member
Now join Amazon Prime, you can enjoy a six-month free digital access to The Washington Post National Edition. It’s worth of a nearly $60 save. After joining you will receive 24/7 free access to Washington Post’s national and international news coverage with your mobile, tablet and desktop devices. This is a limited time offer and is for Prime Members new to The Washington Post, learn more about Amazon Prime Member and click to join right now >>>